Thursday, 24 May 2012

The making of red velvet cupcakes

Its day 8 here. Autumn is ending, winter is near.. its getting colder and colder. Makes me wanna hide in bed all day.. Didnt do anything much this 3 days. Just got to do some shopping at the nearby shopping centres. But i got to do baking!
Have always wanted to bake red velvet cake... sis was being supportive and lend me her kitchen. 

cute little cups

a little messy looking

after baking

me making the cream cheese frosting

Bro-in-law said it was nice.. but i thought it could be better...
i decided to get this collage frame for 20Aud its really pretty!

the air here is so dry, not like sgp which its humid. look at my lips! 

went for some cheap shopping! finally got my havis which i used to have 2, one stolen, one broke 
got this bustier floral top for $5Aud dollars
floral sequin pumps for $12 Aud
this batwing top at $3 bucks! OMG where to get $3 clothes in SG!
shall end the post with this little fellow here! she's in the laundry basket!

Tonight im going for badminton with my sis's friends! But my legs are still aching from running. Its so nice to run here in such cold weather any hour in the day. But wind is too strong that it hurt my ears cause of air pressure. No Good.

Results gonna be out in a week time... kinda worried, kinda scared... but somehow i felt that i will do better than the previous semester. It better be! i just need to pass all of them!

Anyways, i felt kinda bad for leaving boyf in sg when im here and when he is having his break from work. ): but whose bf will allow their gf to go on a holiday for a mth? Although he does complain about it on and off but i know he just wanna let me spend some well deserved time away from my cranky mum and quality time with my sis which i only get to see once a year. I really appreciate that from him. Gonna give him lots of hugs and kisses when im back! <3

Monday, 21 May 2012

Away From Home

saying hello from aussie (: 
Photos of first 5 days so far

hello kitty jumper.. cutie

making solids for baby

bf... rasin bread

my PJS to keep me warm

what my bro-in-law's sis wrote for me... lol!

fatty pork belly to make "烧肉"

what i found in the korean stores! gonna get some for REE!
pretty sunset!
 Fishing day with my sis's in laws!

pretty pretty.. @ Mandurah
tools for fishing!

sliver brim.. which needs to be 25cm and above to be legal to keep

me fishing!
caught annoying blowies! ):

hello, its bright and sunny day!
having fish and chips while fishing lol 
finally caught something i could keep!

pelican coming close to use to steal the fishes!
i accidentally hooked on the the wings of the pelican while retrieving my line back. felt so bad about it, cause its such a beautiful bird.
waiting for us to feed them!
annoying stone blowie!
 dinner for bro-in-law's brother's bday!

Thats all for now.
Enjoyable 5 days so far.. but i missed my friends and my bf and coby ):